Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Genealogy seminars

Unlock the Past is promoting a series of British Isles genealogy seminars with Paul Milner, who is one of the foremost authorities on genealogy from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Each seminar will offer a full day, or afternoon and evening, program of:
  • four main presentations
  • other supporting short presentations by local and sponsoring partners
  • demonstration of the amazing Flip-Pal mobile scanner
  • an exhibition - sales and demos from Gould Genealogy & History, Flip-Pal mobile scanner, Unlock the Past, partner/supporting family history societies and libraries and other sponsors
Paul will be speaking in the North West Sydney region on Sat 9 February at Hornsby RSL and in Brisbane on 19 February. For a full seminar schedule go to -

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UK Divorce Records on-line

UK Civil Divorce Records from 1858 to 1911 have just gone on-line. They date from the year when the Matrimonial Causes Act removed the jurisdiction of divorce from the church and made it a civil matter. Before this, a full divorce required intervention by Parliament, which had only granted around 300 since 1668. Transcripts of thousands of Victorian divorce proceedings have been put online at, and reveal the racy details of an era that most modern Britons consider to have been dominated by imperial duty, a stiff upper lip and formal familial relations. The records also include civil court records on separation, custody battles, legitimacy claims and nullification of marriages. Worth a look.

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